1,220 files in 16 albums with 0 comments viewed 57,453 times |
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Gyruss "Unwind" 198443 viewsAs the video game industry circles down the drain.
Secret of the Silver Blades "Battlesled" (1991)53 viewsMy gosh did SSi ever take advantage of their D&D license.
Ghostbusters "Cast" (1985)48 viewsA pretty good movie adaptation by David Crane.
Atarisoft "Six New" (1984)46 viewsAtari tries to pivot to computer software.
Super Advantage "Ripped Off" (1993)45 viewsSomewhere a kid is standing in front of his favourite arcade game, quarter in hand, weeping.
Infocom "Incomplete" (1984)31 viewsThe incomplete works of Infocom, Inc.
Infocom "Bomb" (1984)60 viewsInfocom was da bomb.
Atari Star "Lens Flare" (1982)38 viewsAtari wants to make you a Star.
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Transylvania "Cliff" (1982)81 viewsTake a trip to Transylvania, with Penguin.Nov 16, 2015
Space Vikings "Blue" (1982)78 viewsNot just Vikings...Space Vikings! Nov 15, 2015
Pac-Man "Gobble" (1988)50 viewsA Pac-Man ad with really crappy art.Nov 15, 2015
Mortal Kombat 3 "Statue" (1995)50 viewsThe Golden Rule, according to Mortal Kombat 3.Nov 15, 2015
Microwave "Alien" (1982)51 viewsCatch the wave. Microwave.Nov 14, 2015
Sirius "Four for Fun" (1982)46 viewsFour Sirius games.Nov 14, 2015
Cannonball Blitz "Battlefield" (19812)49 viewsBattles, Bud and ballistics.Nov 13, 2015
Bug Attack "Survive" (1982)48 viewsA hit from the great Jim Nitchals.Nov 13, 2015